Yara Gold

Yara Gold c;
(her name is pronounced Yah-ra)
(Pretty Ik c; ^~^ )

Yara, she's one of a kind. Different to most and loves things most wouldn't. She loves old things and would rather save them from a fire than save any living being. She likes to dress different to be more known by what she looks other than her personality. Now, problems. She is 75% blind so she has those glasses on 24/7 (Unless she's sleeping). She gets on with people who don't care about looks but would rather care for the actual person and doesn't judge them on what they do. As she is quite clumsy and falls a lot. She is also 20% deaf but not many people would actually notice as she rarely talks to people. She has trouble doing most things as her bones are really weak. She's had a lot of surgery to fix her. Her bones break easily and that's why she's mostly in a crutches. At least she can take a few hits on the head as that is the strongest bone in her body. She tries to read but always fails, she normally gets people to read it for her and never uses her phone. People would say she's annoying behind her back but she doesn't mind. She relies on her senses more than anything (And no, she isn't 100% great with them but she lives with having bad eye sight and the rest are bad). She's been told to not even go anywhere as, she'd get run over easily. Oh and while we're at the topic of problems, let's say she gets abused (but no hitting mkay). She's quite small (5 ft 4) and doesn't get terrified easily. She's fun, cute, quirky. What else would you want? A girl with no problems? ;_; Well fuck off.








Her snake, God:

Her phone:

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