

This is Quixley. Omg fuck it. He's a quick thinker and he's quite fast at running. Come Quixley. Ehe. I love his name. Anyway, he's like a porn star. Literally, I can see him being in a porn video. You know, he looks like the type of guy that'd walk around calling everything/everyone faggots. Then he gets back home with people crawling around as servants. Ahh, his life is a luxury. Anyway, so he's quite needy and he likes getting acknowledged. He will go from one girl to another if he really wanted to but if you're hard to get, then he pretty much, will try anything to get to you. So, he's a boy version of Quinn, so he's clingy. But he will show his 'possessive' side to anyone. He lives alone in a pretty large house. He can get the wrong end of things but after the person said a few things to what they mean he understands. He's quite oblivious too most things. He's actually smart once you know him better. he pretty only wears pink, grey and black. Maybe a little white. He pretty much actually likes any light colour. He's quite romantic and pretty much doesn't like people getting rid of him for someone else. So he will fight, for the person he wants. He gets quite annoyed when people touch his 'property'. He hunts all day and all night for his 'property' and pretty much lets them go when he's finished with them. he can be a dick at times, yes. But he protects you. he can be quite cocky, yes. But he gives others his confidence. When he's alone with his loved one, he'll want to talk or do anything with them. He stays clear of people that know what he does for his love and he changes the way his love one thinks of him. He has the power to take others bodies and switch his brain with theirs (if that makes sense but he doesn't actually do it, he switches their memories with his. So he wakes up a new person, and they wake up a new person. This normally freaks the other person out. He can't have anyone mind read him as he has something around his body that doesn't allow any magic to come near him, it just bounces back off towards the magic-holder. meaning he can be killed with weapons only :}. 

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