Gunner, London and Uzair

Gunner and London. Okay. Three guys. very different ages :}. Different purposes in life :].

Gunner, gunner gunner gunner gunner. What we gunner do with you :3. My puns are horrible. Gunner is in his 20's. My oldest person yet :}. Anyway, he never really remembered his childhood since it was bad and everything kept on happening all at once. Anyway, he only remembers to when he was 17. On the 17th April 2013. That was the date when he started working for people who kidnapped victims on the street. He wasn't taken by them, he found them randomly while on a walk and just worked for them. That was it then, he started growing in this 'career'. Now, he owns that business with the original guy at his side. He takes people, gets some information off them, kills them. There have been times he's fucked up. Like with his 'little sister' - Selia. They aren't really related but as he's looked after Selia for a long time, they're like brothers and sisters. He trained Selia to be a killing machine and she turned out to be a killing machine. Anyway, let's get back on the topic of Gunner. He's quite stern but at the same time he can joke around. He's a chewer, he has to have something in his mouth 24/7 or he gets angry. So it's mostly his necklace with a cross on (Like the one in the picture) or he has something like food or what ever. He counts close friends as his brothers or sisters and finds it awkward when they try to make a move on him. He is the dominant type of guy. Most of the time, he doesn't take time off work to do anything with people but he will if he really likes you. He isn't at 'work' all the time. Mostly on the weekends or when he's called. Not many people actually know his real name but know him as a different name altogether. Also he has no fingerprint :}.

He's human... and 'average' human.

LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN FALLING DOWN. Just kidding :}. But this is London :}. He's Gunner's younger brother and pretty much, acts a lot more different from him. He's enjoyable and excitable. He's 14. He spends all of his time in the woods and with people who are pretty much shy or a person who can take a hyper-like person. He isn't the best to keep secrets with but if threatened, he will keep his mouth shut. He isn't great at remembering things meaning he doesn't remember most of his childhood. Anyway, he knows a few days and they are the days where he found out about Gunner joining the business. He followed him at night and found out and all. They had an argument and he swore he'd never tell. He keeps himself to himself and doesn't like to give personal information out. Like his brother, he has a fake name so no one can track them and, like his brother, he's had his fingerprints removed. He's hyper yet he stays away from people. He runs from people who go near him and if people chase after him he starts crying and climbs up a tree. He isn't too fond of people who want to hurt him or or people that are aggressive towards him. He's quite the pussy but when you get to know him he really doesn't resemble a weak type of person. He doesn't have come backs that're that good yet he tries. If not he'll just run away, crying... He's the little brother type of guy as well and he can act as a little brother of anyone :}.

He's human like Gunner.

Uzair. Uzair is basically Gunner's protector and best friend. Although he's not human, he and Gunner get on pretty well. He's pretty much a hybrid. He doesn't tend to give too much personal information out about himself, yet he never uses a fake name. He isn't secretive yet he isn't loud. He's strange and that's what people love about him. he's quite seductive and can act sexual. But most of the time, he's behind Gunner protecting him and all. He doesn't get along with many people that annoy him. He likes the insane people as they make him laugh. He likes strange people and people who are like him. He likes anyone, anyone but shy and annoying people. He particularity doesn't like London but who does? He has a thick Scottish accent. Although he's not related to these people. He is like family to them. He never spills the beans on them, and he never gives up to protect them. Even if he has to take his own life. he has one black eye and one red eye. His childhood was messed up. He was in an army for most of his life till he escaped, from then on he roamed the streets, head down, with no one to talk to. He was taken it by Gunner and ever since, he's been his servant. muted by command, deadly by demand. When he isn't with Gunner (Which is rare but it's possible) he lashes out at everything without meaning too. He stalks people when he's not needed or when he needs to cool off. 

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