Artair and Abjörn

(Artair - Ar - air)
(Abjörn - Ab - yawn)
( ^^^^ Or just use the translator cx)

(I might not put Abjörn's name with a special o all the time)
(They're meant to be twins btw)
(Different personalities)
(Artair's description is in blue)
(Abjörn's description is in green)
(And for the same descriptions it is orange)

Artair was always mature. He, being the oldest (By 2 years), has always understood all problems in the world. But he can't discuss the world problems as he's always had problems speaking. He never talked to anyone until he was at the age of 10, when he said his first words. He never cried, he never spoke, he never coughed, he never even sneezed. He liked reading and all to himself. he wasn't in all the top groups in school but at least he was around the 2nd group - sometimes going into the top group. He never had any friends in school nor did he have any on his home street.He was pretty much a loner and stayed a loner. He went everywhere with his twin brother  who acted nothing like him. He only did this to get friends but it never worked so he gave up in the end.
Abjörn isn't the maturest person but he isn't the maturest. He isn't anythign like his brother as he could actually get friends but his name put them off. Meaning he called himself 'A' or 'Ab' for a long time. He doesn't have great trust in people from his past. As a child he walked home and he ended up getting taken for a few months before he was saved. There he was brutally tortured till he told them something he never knew about. Turns out, he wasn't the person they were looking for. But after that, he got a teddy from his parents, he's never left it's side and he's never missed placed him anywhere. He took his time to decorate Donahue, (His bear he had) also known as Hue or Dona, the way he wanted him to look. He gave him a pink bow and a monocal. He had alot of friends in school since he made friends more easily than Artair.
They both have the same family. Their alive mum. Their alive father. Each other. And a few cousins.
Artair Doesn't really get in relationships much as he never really understood them. He knows you're meant to love the person you like but he doesn't know how to treat them right. As he never really had friends.
Although Abjörn can get friends, he doesn't get in relationships without knowing them personally to himself. If he gets to know them, then he will go out with them but if he doesn't then he wont go out with that person.
Threats towards them:
Artair doesn't have many threats as he rarely does anything. But he gets shit scared of cats and mice. No matter what he will stand still and silently cry to himself wishing he were never alive.
Abjörn isn't too fond on powerful people. People who kill, people who harm others, people who do it for entertainment. As he's not particularly isn't strong on himself nd would normally be a coward and run away from the problem.
Support. Music. Loud places. Places he can't be seen. High places. Birds. People he likes. Sometimes unstable people. Food. Video games. People who don't understand his way of talking.
People. Not having to do anything. Donahue. Winning against people. Interesting people. Children ( ;} ). Fit guys. People who talk to him on a daily basis. Songs. Annoying things :} .
Himself. Himself. People. School. Everything.
Idk tbh....
Artair pretty much doesn't use his power alot but when he does, it's quite powerful. He has the power of biokinesis and power mimicry. Biokinesis is basically a power to be able to heal or to perform biological manipulation towards the victim, meaning he can stop a heart from beating. And his power mimicry is basically mimicking someone's power but not as strong as they are. So lets say, if someone was a neko, then he can mimic their power and be a weak or sort of strong cat.
Abjörn doesn't have a power to do with his body but he obtained a sort of power from Donahue. He can make Hue turn into a larger version of himself and fight the enemy for him. he's basically like a fluffy rock. he's as hard as stone and he can't be knocked down easily. Donahue grows to about 15 - 20 ft high, depends on how much danger Abjörn is in.

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