
(Jk jk jk jk jk jk)

Looking at her straight on
This is Ballarie. She pretty much is quiet, distant and mysterious. She's hated as she laughs at other mistakes and points out their flaws. She hates people for practically everything, unless she likes you, then she'll do anything to get to your head. To her, people are like putty in her hands, she likes full control in people's lives and pretty much hates it when she isn't in control. She cringes at kind, loving and caring people and would much rather hang about with a dead corpse. She likes the look of anything white or red. Her flower head was originally white but she dyed it with blood. She doesn't work well with others unless they're as bloodthirsty as her but, that's kind of rare for her. She's good at sweet talking, causing people to do pretty much anything for her. Unless you're a stuck up brat that barely listens to people, then you're unfortunately a victim of hers. Her preferred weapons are either knives, hands and teeth, scalpels and torturing devices. She's pretty sly and likes people begging on their knees for her. She likes getting people to eat out of her hand and pretty much, loves being 'the queen'. The only time you see most of her face is if you move her hair from her eyes or you're looking at her straight on. She doesn't have many womanly features, meaning she can be mistaken as a 'he/him'. No one uses her real name and either calls her what they want or 'it'. She has no family, no friends, no pets. No nothing. She lives wither herslef and pretty much loves it. When you see her from the side, she's always smiling psychotically, but it's a small smile. Her iris as a pitch black and you can barely see it as her hair is in the way of her eyes. She can have a different colour of eye but that really depends on her mood. So she's quiet and likes to get in other peoples business. her voice is quite aggressive and harsh even in the kindest of times. She's pretty short but that doesn't mind her. She pretty much believes nothing can hurt her and never shows her pain to others. She has no emotion, but she will show it if forced too. The only thing you can do to overpower her is if you end up locking her in a room with no escape. Slowly letting her mind take control of her. When she can't find food, she will kill people and eat the flesh of them. She isn't scared of anything. She is nothing...

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