Quinn Jesket

(Quinn ik I didn't know what to call her)
(Swearing maybe included idk yet)
(This may be short cuz yeah)

(It can be long btw, so please read ;-; I hate when people don't read and just skim through)

Right, this is Quinn. Looking at her, she seems like a nice girl you'd want to be friends with. She is Calla's sister and all that. She looks loving, caring. But lets take a turn with her. She will be a really cold hearted girl, not caring what she says or anything. She looks innocent, but she isn't. Around other people, she will be kind to her loved one. But when they're alone together, then she will take a turn in her personality. She will cling onto them and not let them talk to anyone. They will have to go with her anywhere, and if someone comes around or anything she will speak over them. She does anything to stay with her loved one. or in other words, she just controls him. To be honest, she is easy to fuck with, she is smart and will get what you're doing but then again, she will play along with it. Kidnapping, ehh I'm not sure really cx she seems like a really easy person to kidnap with with her looks she looks weak, causing then to create the duck-tape, rope, chain or room be really weak or something. BUT NO. She is quite strong with all that n stuff, then you will have to have like multiple layers to keep her in. She feels pain but she wont show it. She likes death... and killing. She isn't active and all that bullshit. He parents r alive (Like I said in Calla's) but her dad is in Arizona and she lives w/ her mum. She does anything people ask her cuz y not? y nut dunce. erhhh, She is good at rape fvbnftgvbiedno no i mean rapping. she likes all sorts of music really. She is a gamer girl cuz yeah, i've got to have one. In supernatural roleplays I guess she has like the power of mind control and changing what she looks like. She doesn't use mind control (Roleplay reasons obviously) and she kidnaps people to get information out of them if she is like, on a case or something. Am I the only one seeing her torturing people? She is good with a boa staff c: and is like a parkourist.






Prom hair:





Her cat, Mimbo:


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