Ardith Storf


Ardith. Where do we start hun? xoxoxoxo. Anyway, Ardith is an 'Anglo Saxon' name. She's one of the 5 people I'm going to make and yeah.

Ardith is a bit insane crazy and bold. She was born with two different hair colours, blonde and brown and different - but they are similar - eye colours. Light grey (On the brown side) and light blue (on the blonde side). She is a bit odd herself, as all her life, she'd been getting hurt. She got called special and ugly. She'd thank them for their opinion on her and would carry on walking with her own opinions on her own life. She doesn't care what you think of her, as long as it's about her - ehe, 'I don't care what you think as long as it's about me' - fall out boy (I don't care). When she does start acting strange that's when you're just going to have to run, unless you want to hear what's going on in her mind. This was caused by her childhood. As a young child, her whole family got kidnapped by a large group of bandits or whatever you call them :]. Anyway, as she was the youngest, they let her in the room. there was alot of notes and drawings on the wall. She was strapped with one hand on a button. She had the opportunity to either save herself of save someone out of the following 50 and kill the rest. She chose save one person and kill the rest. She and this person were still alive. She clicked the button and they burned and then got blown up. The other person never forgave her for that and always brings it up. Her crazy side is pretty much, crazy. She's out of her head and would often think she's in some sort of different universe and think she could place bad luck spells on people. Her bold personality came from when she was younger. She got taught karate and self defence moves - as well as attacking methods. She's a wizard okay!!!! Yes, she is a wizard, but she's not overly powered. She has a wand yes... but no robes or anything. She just looks normal yet odd at the same time.








Her owl, Whise:

And a random song cuz I'm bored c;

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