Eliot Prince

Supernatural power: Invisibility

Hi I'm called Eliot, I just moved to town after being bullied in school, from my accident I had, I'm a pretty rich family and I'm an only child so I get everything I want, but tbh I cant be arsed to actually have everything. My birth parents gave me away when they couldn't take me on an plane, so they game me away and I was put in an adoption home until i was 10, my adoption parents (the current ones I have now) loved me, until I turned 15. Now they hate me, from my love of football comes a serious player. I may cheat on alot of girls but they always come running back trust me, i can steal your girl in just a blink of an eye. - Eliot

Everyday wear:

Formal wear:

Sleep wear:

Swim wear:

Prom outfit:

His house:

His room:

His horse, Spartacus:


Its at the top 

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