Cate Andrews

(EhEHEHEHEHEHEH  wtf am I doing? ;_; )

This is Cate. She doesn't mind what people call her. She is just a girl that does not care what she does or what you do. She's fun to be around and many people like her. She isn't too popular but she has friends still. That's her natural hair colour c; . Anyway. So her childhood was okay I guess. She grew up as an only child. She later had an adopted sister but then she died. She was tremendously upset as well as her family. Her sister died of natural causes and her parents think it was her. As she lets of laughing gasses (Fun) and she slept in the same room as her. She had the lack of oxygen and died in her sleep. As she was suffocating, Cate was still in a deep sleep - as she's a deep sleeper. She may look like the innocent type but my god, the amount of guns she has in her bag of hers. She's only gone to jail once or twice. Once for the death of her adopted sister and one for self defence reasons. She is like half rabbit as well as half human. She has the senses of a rabbit: her eyesight is accurate and she can spot out people from far distances; she can hear from up to 2 miles away; she can smell loads.. like, it's awesome. She can smell things that are bellow ground levels :] ; her hearing just, wow, she knows if you're coming or not; her taste is just amazing, she can separate things into sweet, sour, bitter and salty. She can even eat plants and see if they're toxic or non-toxic; and her ability to run or leap or whatever just, phewww. But she gets stressed easily since she has thins pounded at her 24/7. Better not scream in her ears. Ehe, she'll shoot you in the face... bringing a knife to a gun fight c;







Her pet rabbit, Clover:

Don't ask

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