
(Calynn - Cal-Yin)
(This will be in sections xoxoxo)
(Enjoy and fangirl over her dimples)
(And actually read maybe :} ehe)

Calynn's past is, If I have to say so, complicated...
She was born on the 24th of December 1866 (2001) meaning she's 150 (15) at the moment in time. Her dad is part wolf and her mum is a witch. As her whole family is cursed, her human age is 15 but in her family, it's 10x meaning she's 150.  But her parent's weren't as strict as her cousin's parents. They used to let her do what she wants, let her make her own mistakes and let her sort her own problems out. She used to love hearing her parents story about how they met, her dad bumping into her mother with his brother, love at first sight. She'd sit around, writing the story word after word. Anyway, as her parents are different species, when they were walking about people would scowl, muttering under their breath 'What are they doing together?' or 'They shouldn't be together, it's clear that wolfy is going to attack her'. She never understood why they did this, as she knew her parents, but she let it slip off her shoulders. She never went to school as she self taught herself at home. As she came from a rich family, they had a large library; not many people used it but Calynn was in there all day. Researching about a different topic each week, at the end of the week she'd write a whole essay about the topic and get her mother or father to read it and highlight things that they like or correct the few minor errors. Although she likes to research, there is things she can't read about but she has to pick them up from someone else - like her power.
She has her living father, her living mother and two cousins - Amity and Elijah (Cuz why the fuck now xoxoxo). She has quite a good relationship with her father, her mother and her relate to almost anything. She looks up at Elijah like a god as he's older than her by 10 years (1 year in human years) and uses Amity as a rag-doll for her magic, she only means it in a friendly way and if she gets hurt she obviously healed her with the healing spell she knows. She counts her pet dragon, that she recently adopted from a killer dragon, as family.
Calynn doesn't get in many relationships but as she never researched about love, she doesn't know the do's and the don't's in love. She pretty much likes anyone, any gender, any form, etc. She gets interested in the unusual things (Like incest for an example) and pretty much thinks it's okay.
Calynn doesn't have many hobbies. She has a few here and there but they're impossible to do without arrangements or without the correct weapons. She likes doing target shooting as a stress relief and archery for fun.
Threats towards her:
Large groups of people who want to kill her. May (that's when her power is out of control most of the time). People who are much stronger than her.
Calynn likes cooking. She likes competing. She likes making anybody shy come out of their shell around her. She likes challenges. Reading. Writing. Dancing. Experimenting. Playing about. Play fighting. Playing innocent. She likes to watch people use their magic or learn more about their magic. She likes asking questions and all. She likes getting better understanding of the subject rather than listening once and taking brief notes.
She doesn't dislike many things but she doesn't particularly like lazy people. People who don't have all the time in the world for her and people who turn her down.
She's quite a powerful witch and from the amount of lessons she's had off people who have her power. No matter how bad or good, she knows 250 spells from the good side and 250 spells from the more evil side. Although she knows the bad side of powers, she still works for the light side. She can write her own spells with the time she has to think of how to structure the spell. It may look easy to people but she had to write a third of it in another language and the rest of it in English, making every fifth letter swap with the sixth. This takes her about two days time to create it in various different ways but she adds it to her memory and adds it in her books. She also owns a baby dragon that has some powers, she's training him to fight along side her in battle for extra support.
  • She likes to be called Calynn or ynn (Pronounced Yin) or Cal,
  • She normally is found outside, in a main city centre or her room,
  • She can be talkative but she gets annoyed easily,
  • She hates running,
  • and she isn't great at everything in life.

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