Calla Jesket

(Idk swearing may be involved?)

This is Calla. Calla well, she ermm I'm not sure. She keeps quiet but if she wants to speak up she will. She isn't everything you want with a girl. She is quite tough and will put up with a fight. Although she doesn't win and loses bets causing her to do unthinkable things you wouldn't do in everyday life; She is pretty friendly. She plays electric guitar, drums (idk) and Trumpet cuz y not :]. She is good at singing but people have different opinions about her. She listens to music every time she can or she wants to ignore people and not look rude. He parents are still alive but her dad lives in Arizona and she lives with her Mum. She has a sister, and talks to her in desperate times. She eats ANYTHING and never gets fat. Idk I just want two girls like this c: . In supernatural roleplays she is a fire goddess. She isn't op or anything. She is talented with instruments obviously and guns. She likes Icon for hire, Paramore, Starset, Fall out boy, Ronnie radke and other things.





Prom Hair:
Like it at the top




Her Dog n Cat:
(The dog is Lucy)
(The cat is Jasper)


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