Elijah Onix

(As in my previous characters I have given up letting the actual character, in this one it's Elijah, I'm going to describe him in the shortest fucking time ever. I only have like 1 hour to make this ;-;)

Elijah Onix, He is quite the punk, scene anything Badass :3. He doesn't care what people think and he doesn't talk to a lot of people. He starts a lot of fights with anybody and gets a little upset he loses things, but you cant see his dying soul. He would normally take it out on things they own but still... He doesn't have emotion if he likes anyone, no one would know, but his sister. His parents are quite the posh ones, as the barbie song goes: I'm a fucking twat, on a fucking world, I've got muscle, Wanna fuck bruh? If you haven't figured it out yet. Have you read my other descriptions? He is most likely Bisexual or pansexual.... idk. BACK to his parents, they don't accept him being pansexual or Bisexual and don't talk to him. He is rich and stuff.... just to let you know c; . He has a short temper so he doesn't like people as I've already said. Not the best person to talk to in desperate situation, like if you need money. If you don't pay him back, lets just say: House fire, chopped head in the mail, blood in the garden. He is a Psychopath. Great another ^~^, at this point I should make him and Atlas cousins. But I wont. You'll all have to wait for the insane one C:< . In supernatural roleplays, he's actually not a known species. he acts more like a wolf from hunting but then as when he was born, no one knew what he was. His parents said he looked like a wolf but then he started showing a magical sort of side. Then the way he is now, well his power, is from his grandma-ma's old power as she had gained many other powers and gave others away. So I guess he's the type to pass onto other abilities. In supernatural roleplays and in normal roleplays he is talented with guns, knives and nunchucks.

And black jeans n black shoes



Skinny dips bbe c;

He is probably banned xD





His dogs, Chandler and Basil:
(The black and tan is Chandler)
(The Ruby is Basil)


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