Blaez and Bo


Right, so this is Blaez, he's a wolf. he may not look like it but he was born wolf. Then after a while, his hair just took over, and as he doesn't like his ears, he poofs it up enough so only the tips can be seen. His tail, pretty much, was never there. Anyway, he needed a pack since he was a wolf and his parents didn't allow him into theirs since he was 'weak'. He was far from weak he just didn't like talking to them. Anyway, he came across a pack of 15, he joined making it a pack of 16. They taught him how to defend, how to pick up on scents, how to get rid of his scent and how to kill prey. When a pack member had to leave, everything went tits up. They got attacked, they nearly killed their main fighter and many people died. Only 3 (4 if you count the one who left, Elijah) people survived as 2 people didn't fight and saved the main fighter. The leader, him and the main fighter all went on a trip to find the other member that left. Blaez is around 17 and has been on the search for 4 years. he's been living in the woods, collecting fire wood. finding scents of other packs so they can avoid the fight. At this point the main fighter was nearly near death. They've lived a hard life. The leader, Kade, kept them motivated and energised trying to find courses for them to do to keep fit. The main fighter, Bo, kept to herself and tried to heal herself, eating fruits that were in healing methods and covering the wound. They stirred away from trouble and killed small animals to not make as much noise than killing a larger animal that could fight back. Blaez is kind, he didn't agree with killing or stealing but when he has a good enough reason to why he shouldn't, he does it. he can turn into a wolf form, and it looks normal, with a white tip of a full black wolf, he has  patch that's white around his right eye and ear. He isn't fast but he isn't slow. He takes risks that no other would take and would take his own life for others, unless he has a way of getting out alive, with the other person.


Bo is one of those active and chill type of girls. She is wolf. She's in a pack. She has an important role. Yeah. That's about it. She joined the group when she was 11, she walked into the territory without realising and they chased after her. Once they'd realised she's quite a fast wolf, they allowed her to leave. After a few weeks, she went back asking if she could join. They agreed  and taught her the basic survival tips. From then on, she learnt on her own. Now, after her best buddy, the leaders best friend - Elijah-, finally noticed her after a few months they became best buddies. They would never leave each others side and they were literally glued together. Until the time he had to move, they were separated, yet they still talked. A large attack had happened after he left a few months later and Bo, the strongest of the pack, had faced them. The enemy team thought she was weak as she was female in a pack of 14 other guys. She was the strongest but at the other team had different species, she got knocked up. One guy had slashed her arm, another had punched her so hard she flew into a tree, another burnt her, another kicked her, another nearly stabbed her to death. She blacked out to know what happened, all she heard was howling, screaming and flesh ripping. A few weeks later, she awoke in Blaez's arms in an area they didn't know. Every time she moved, it was pure agony for her. They couldn't do anything other than use the recourse they had on them. She ate fruit after fruit. After they started to heal, she was up on her feet again. This time, she was angry and she started practising her fighting methods. kicking trees till they fell down with one kick and punching them till her arm went through the trunk. She woke up early to run around the area, climbing up mountains till she got to the top. Feeling a demon hit her was like a fly landing on your arm. She has her tail and wolf ears yes, but she's trained her tail to stay down no matter what as she either wore shorts that were large around her legs but fit her waist easily or a skirt. She wears the the average jumper with a few accessories and boots. 

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