
Kyros... Kyros... I'm really thinking about him. Okay, he's psychotic. He can hear voices in his head and see things humans can't. He see's monsters walking around, under your bed, on the paintings, at the windows, in the mirrors, the lot. He's also insane as well so you know, talks about crazy stuff, laughs a lot at nothing all that . He has fluffy hair (DON'T ASK). His eyes are red... He has sharp canines. I really don't know. he can be quite flirty at times. He can be awkward at times but then he thinks that's how people should talk and all. he had a strange childhood as his parents spilt up but they never took him, they put him in an orphanage and they kicked him out since he literally tried to kill everyone. He wandered around on the streets till a nice couple took him in. after a few months of him being there, they discovered he had powers and he wasn't a regular toddler that they had found. He started showing strange signs of changing the weather in the area that they were in. They got complaints once their neighbours found out as lightning would always come from their house. They got forced into the country side but Kyros was forced into a school for the supernatural. They taught him how to control his power and that's where he found out that he could change the atmosphere as well as the weather. When he graduated from the school, he lived on the streets but he didn't starve or anything like that. He'd make it misty and he'd steal fruit from fruit stalls. He'd watch people from rooftops and ruin people's days. That was before he started stealing from homes. He likes to entrance places in style and he carries a taser around with him in case anyone tried to hurt him or come closer that 30cm towards him. He likes to be in control most of the time but he does like to be protected. And as he can control weather and stuff, he can hoard types of things that come with weather: he can blast lightning from his hand when he has enough; he can make it flood around them in the battle area; he can make the sun get that hot it burns the ground around them or the victim, burning them to a crisp; he can change the wind direction and all when fighting animals that rely on smell for fighting and hunting; and he can make it too misty for people too see, he only uses this as a get away or if he's stealing something he wants xoxoxo. 

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