
Vladlena is strange. Just. Plain. Strange. She isn't what she looks. She isn't what she sounds. She isn't human, yet she isn't supernatural. She's a phantom, yes, but you can feel her. She's a figment of the imagination. She can be chained, hurt anything can happen to her but after a nights sleep, she'll be fine. You find her everywhere. She's either sleeping or walking around. You find her in your average high school or in a busy crowd of people. You can find her in private places, dark places, any place. She's quite thin so cupping her hand is like the thickness of a bone. She has long legs, long fingers. She's quite bony. She's pale. She pretty much has a slender body and all. Anyway, back to her and all. She's quiet and rarely speaks. But when she does speak, she has a hushed voice and you'd have to have great hearing to get her words first time without saying "What?". But then you'll have to order her words so the sentence she's trying to say makes sense. Baring in mind she never went to school. She lost her parents at a young age and has been alone ever since. She normally says something along the lines like "I, him.. take?" or "No, don't you" or something like that (Just don't worry I'll say something after to show you what she's trying to say). She never says the truth and lies all the time. Unless she gets caught out that she's goign to lie, she'll tell the truth but she'll say it in a way where they'd have to go on trips or think about what she said. She gets her point out one way or another. She likes to spread rumours about people as she's that type of person and they'd mostly get spread around without her being caught. You never know what side she's on as she can switch or even be on both at the same time. She doesn't have many friends but she gets on with anyone and anything. She talks to objects as if they're real people. Eh, I really don't know what to say next... Anything she does isn't weird for her but it is for other people. I guess that's it...

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