Zeke and Adrian Ace

Zeke                                        Adrian
(I'm actually really happy cuz I found twins and tbh, its hard to find guys that are twins. Who agree's?)
(But tbh, I love the right one's face xd)
(I'd let them fuck me.....)

So. I found twins and I gave them boring names ;-; . Tbh I was going to name them like Jean and Haru but I ain't up for that. But Zeke and Adrian will do <3. But they act the same in their own way I guess. They can be childish and happy together but when they are separate for a long amount of time, they go sad and depressed. So like, they have to be together nearly all the time. Ehh idk. They both stick up for each other. They are both kinda smart but they forget a lot of things that they are meant to remember. Zeke is good at drums and Adrian is Guitar all the way. They wear different things and have their hair not the same I guess. Tbh they don't look like twins but if they did the same pose they would. Adrian is taller than Zeke but Zeke can be more mature. They both have brown eyes w/ black hair. Snake bites. They are weak but when they are together they are like, sorta strong. Adrian can be loud and Zeke can be quiet almost every day. They get along like two houses on fire.... is that it? idk xd. They both like the same things and yeah...... One can be meaner than the other but yeah. I wont go down that rout. In supernatural roleplays, They can turn into foxes. Yes, I was gonna do red pandas but foxes cam to mind then. So like, they have an ability to run fast and heal themselves in this form. They also have a short temper in this form and when they aren't in that form they have like fox ears and tails ^~^. Damn I'm obsessed with that now.... But yes. That is them.

Zeke's Everyday
Adrian's Everyday

Zeke's Outgoing
Adrian's Outgoing

Zeke's Sleep
Adrian's sleep

Adrian's       Zeke's



Zeke's room
Adrian's Room

Their foxes:
Belle (Zeke's fox)
Frost (Adrian's fox)
Zeke's phone
Adrian's phone