Xander Vield

(I dont know)
(He is hot lets all cry about that)
(Swearing may be involved idk)

(And this was made on christmas eve)
(Nvm that ^ I continued on christmas xD, i'm so sad, and its my brothers birthday xD)

Merry Christmas You Bunch Of Bitches

Right, so this is Xander. His last name. I made it up. I had no idea what to put. so yeah..... Xander ran away from home and lived w/ his older sister. He obviously threatened her to not tell his parents and it worked obviously. He isn't the type to talk all the time but he shares his ideas and opinions and rarely gets upset. He isn't rich but obviously he ran from home so you understand that. He was only a teenager when he did this so he has education duhh. He is a great singer and is pretty good at the piano even though he learnt it himself. He doesn't talk about family because he doesn't know them that well duh. So ehhh, I'm hyper af now so like ehhh. I guess he can be quite loud and isn't the best person to take on stealth missions. He can be kidnapped easily cuz like, he is weak af. He eats anything. He is bisexual but he is leaning more towards guys. He doesn't go on his phone much and would rather read. He isn't smart but he isn't dumb. He has average education and rarely pays attention to anyone. He is a deep sleeper and yeah. All that shit. he swear a lot but then I do make characters swear a lot even when I don't want them too xD. Anyways moving on, he likes 12 stones, my chemical romance, sleep, food, icon for hire (Bae rn xoxoxo), EntoanThePack, Egypt Central, The Offspring... idk what else. Anyways, in supernatural roleplays he can hypnotise people to prevent them from doing anything to him and his connection with supernatural powers has lead him to an affinity for draconic powers. he is also tall (6 ft 4)






House (Or house he ran too):


his cat, Moi:


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