Cerin Boyard

(Cerin - Gaelic = Little dark one...)
(This is a fun perso- Jk jk jk jk jk xd)
(I may swear ;_; )
(Am I insane?)

Cerin, I'm done, like really, the hotness in that ;_; BRING ME TO HIM. Let us make him an emotionless guy. So, with him being 'emotionless' he wont be affected by anyone. He speaks a different language that isn't used in our modern world as we know today, for her speaks Latin; causing him to learn other languages that are under the Latin root, like Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian and Romansh. All romance languages c;. And he knows how to speak English pretty good, but, obviously, he's not too great at it. Anyway, he takes his spare time into good. He reads a lot to improve on his languages as well as reading. He has quite a strict family and if he doesn't do well in school, he won't be able to do most things normal teenagers do. As he was born different to mainly everyone. His power is pretty simple and effective, but he has more powers that are more 'personal' to himself and friends. But I'll say them in a little while. He's pretty much a careless person and doesn't care what people do. He just looks ahead and never behind in life. He burns his past memories and doesn't want to know his past life. Even though he hates to want to know his past life, there is moments where he forgets where he is and starts blurting out his past life, giving people names he's never heard of before. He's easy to anger but he always is angry but people never notice. If you're observant enough, you'll see the electric in his eyes that build up from the pupil outwards. His iris is pretty dark (Around black, so, dark grey?) and it's pretty easy to notice if you're paying enough attention c;. Anyway, he has an energy that scares people and would possibly make them cry or back up trying to run. His power is simple and effective as I've already said: omnilingual - the ability to understand or know all languages (But who the fuck likes to know all languages? So, I won't use this as much c: ); when he is getting attacked, he can turn in black ash or petals to avoid being hit. Any object he is holding will fall so this is only for self defence or if he's working with the opposite team you'd want to be on, he can trick the good; he has a power with the darkness, meaning in any dark space, he can either turn into a shadow, meaning he turns 2d on the wall and he can walk along shadows as platforms; and obviously, he can switch his shadow on and off I guess.... his shadow is a thing of his past life, he was a warrior that died in battle surprise surprise, at night. 

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