Mapel Hills

(This is Willows sister btw)
(I may swear idk)
(Idk what to do)

This is Mapel. If you haven't realised yet, Mapel and Willow are named after trees. And this is willows sister if you haven't noticed. I swear I've used the same person so if it looks like someone actually please tell me ;_; So anyway. They act completely different from each other. where Willow, the younger one, acts really childish. And Mapel, The older one, acts more mature. She can be quite sad at times when you come to think of it. She isn't clueless but she can be. She isn't good at cheering people up and she rarely speaks so I guess you can say she doesn't talk a lot. She doesn't get into relationships a lot but she normally does do them if she can be bothered to. She is the more mature one in the family, since she was like, brought up in a different way from her sister. So lets say that she was the child that was left out more ever since her sister was born. She learnt to look after herself and has never needed anyone's help. She never gets on anyone's nerves, well that might change if she gets really angry. She never sings. She tries to speak a lot but people always talk over her. She is shy all the time and likes small spaces. She likes small rooms. She never touches any one and yeah. She is strong if you think of it. Known as 'the shy one'. She doesn't eat... She likes sport. In supernatural role plays she is a demon obviously like Willow. Clairaudience (The ability to hear what people are saying, outside the natural hearing range, inside ones mind) and Immunity (The power to be immune to certain or all kinds of powers and/or physical harm). She also likes to paint her feelings.








Her cat, Oscar:

Her phone:

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