Huo Namche and Adriane Dartha

Huo Namche
(Ehe, ik ik ik. This is drawn but I want demons ;_; )

Right. So they are related but they look nothing alike as they are cousins. They are both demons. I'll start with the back story first cuz I'm fun: 

Huo was born and raised as a fighter. She would have a challenge set for her every day. Even though she's invisible for most, she tries her best for their attention. her parents were obviously strict enough for her to have no friends what so ever. She wasn't able to leave their realm and she was transported by dragons. But as she got older and more rebellious, she would then sneak out of her realm and look at other things. She went to the human world for a while everyday and she'd watch all the people there. her parents found out about this 'outgoing' events and would stick her in her room. She was transported to an all female 'demon' school. She got in trouble as she apparently had 'anger issues' and got sent more places one after another. She got annoyed at this and suddenly went 'missing' due to her running away going to the human world. When she was there, she got many strange looks as she was walking around and she hated it. She found a large looking house somewhere in the city but out the way. She knocked on the door and a small girl appeared. She looked like she was 12. She asked if she could come in and then she ran off to her mum and then her mum came and everything. She said she could live with them for a few days or months. Although she was only allowed to stay for a few months she actually stayed there until the little girl was 14. Unfortunately, her brother, who is 16 ATM, didn't like her much. and as you guess. he would've said 'Demons are meant to be in cages'. So, when he said that Huo got a little scared as always and then hid somewhere. He came after her with his mothers 'special' powder. The powder was basically a powder to make people turn into souls. So when she did turn into one, she went straight to the young girl. She went too far and I guess she entered her body, forming what sort of Genie she is today. The only way she can release her is like, if she gets out an oujia board and starts to write her full name out. This means that, as she grew up with her well.. sorta, she'll protect the people that she's friends with. And as she's quite a strong fighter, she can probably kill the devil xd.
Adriane Dartha

Adrianaaaaa. Probably the most serious and loyal person you'd meet. Anyway, her back story. She was raised like Huo except less strict. But as she wanted to be raised like Huo since she thinks she is a better fighter than her, she begged and begged to be like her in every single way. her parents wouldn't let her and said they need her to work on her 'dragon' skills than be a sword fighter. she stood outside all day, letting the earth be ripped up forming the dragons. From bone, to organs, to muscle, and finally to scales. As her symbolising colour is grey, she could only form grey dragons. Obviously her parents didn't like this and decided it was right for her to go to a strict school. Obviously, schools aren't strict as they were back them. So she went to Huo's parents. That's where she was controlled to form the dragons in an open field. Soon she made it so she could actually form a dragon without it being grey. So it could be blue, grey, red and any other colour you'd want. But, with her just learning how to form them, she'd forgot how to bring them back in. So then Huo's parents brought her a special note book and gave her personal drawing lessons. They wouldn't stop till she got things right. And as soon as she got them 100% perfect, they started fighting the dragons and she'd have to draw them and stand in front of them. Putting the note book in the air, she'd then seal the dragon in the note book and she can finally control them. In an old ancient language, she'd then summon them and finally be able to control them. Now, as Huo is a swords man, they taught her how to use a bow and arrow. She'd gotten good at that and they let her go back home. But as she didn't know where she was going, she stumbled upon the same house Huo went to. Lets just say, the same thing happened to her as it did with Huo and now she's in the young girls body. Now that young girl has 3 souls.

Adriane's Dragon types:
Top left:
Hell Dragon
Middle, left:
Spider dragon
Bottom left:
Pumpkin dragon

Middle bottom:
Zombie dragon
Bottom right:
Acid Ghost dragon
Vampire dragon
Top right:
Skeleton Dragon

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