Alaska and Atlantic Avery

Alaska                                                      Atlantic
(More twins yey! ^~^)
(They look very boring and tbh I had to pick out of 3 girl twins. One like Zeke and Adrian. Two that were childish and these two. Yeah ik. I should have gotten the childish ones but why the hell not.)

Right. So this is another pair of twins cuz I had 18 girls (Dana not included) and 20 boys. So I thought why not do more twinsssss c: . But anyways, Alaska is on the left and Atlantic is on the right. Right, lets get onto their sexuality. I haven't been doing it alot but I always say they are Bi if I haven't put it. but anyways, Alaska is Pan-sexual and Atlantic is still figuring out. They act the same and all. They are both really quiet but bubbly. They are natural brown but dye their hair cuz y not? They are both quite smart but they don't express this. They are really sensitive and have a terrible back story. I might put the back story on soon... idk. But anyway. They get along with people and like to be with other people other than themselves. They do like to be alone sometimes and most people cant tell when they want to be alone. They both have that strong British accent obviously. They like to be left alone and when bullying is just, it'd scare them. They got home schooled but when it was time to go to high school they went. They rely on each other and are quite independent. In supernatural role play's they are both cupids. So like, they can be good or bad. They can be a little bit of both. Anti-love and love potions... They both like to finish each others drawings and all.

Alaska's Everyday
Atlantic's Everyday

Alaska's Outgoing
Atlantic's Outgoing

Alaska's Sleep
Atlantic's sleep

Alaska's camping
Atlantic's Camping

Alaska's Halloween
Atlantic's Halloween


Alaska's room
Atlantic's room

Alaska's cat: May
Atlantic's cat: Luke

Alaska's Phone
Atlantic's Phone


  1. Hi! This blog is awesome.
    I've only started making blogs about characters and was wondering how you got that character thing at the top, where you can click?
    Thank you x

    1. It's a thing in the actual blogger section. It's a page called 'Pages' Then you create them and then in 'Template' you add the 'pages' Column and add it in where you like. And np xx
