Christopher Manikill

{]Picture one[}
{]Picture two[}
Did you know
{]picture three[}
If you tried to kill me, all I have to say is...
{]Picture four[}
Come at me bro

{Turns on screams}

Ahoy there. This is Christopher Manikill. Right so, he does say what he thinks about people and doesn't care what he does. He looks towards him friends and mostly answers with 'Ahoy'. He Loses his mind all the time and erhh... yeah. He is a little insane but that's the pills (Aka the drugs.) I swear I have to have a character that is on drugs 24/7 and he is like obnoxious idk. He has that like young pirate Scottish accent idk even though he originates from Northumberland. Not only that but he doesn't get on with a lot of people. He rarely get on with people and is like really lucky to have a friend. He is the type to have fun with. He is up for anything and whenever you try and do something he lets you do it without question. Really, this character helps me alot cuz If I were to do a rp with like sex in it I'd make him where he wouldn't moan or anything xD he'd just be there 'Da Fuq is going on?' He is quite annoying at times and is the type to be terrible in school (Like me, like I get good grades until it comes to tests xD you can Imagine me in SATS right?) He is good with computer and yeah.. that crap. Tbh I'd date him if he was real ;-;. Right so like, he can be super awkward at times and yeah... that shit. He swears whenever he can. His parents erhh, left for holiday and were never found. Turns out they were prisoners who said they only got it from their 'last name (Manikill - Man I kill)' Good excuse but no, fuck off with your excuses. anyway he lives with his younger sister and nan who is mostly going to die. He likes anything. he has quite a slim body tbh. he is good w/ knives. wow I started this at like 23:36 and its 23:37.... But yeah, In supernatural role plays he is erhh (goes online for a superpower and ends up taking a quiz using his personality) Well that failed badly. turns out he is Aberdeen. WHO THE FUCK IS THAT? O fuck I got carried away with quizzes xD. Lets make his a fire and water master. His fire and water mix together to make water fire or fire water. its a hot water with the same temperature as lava. Burning you as soon as it hits the skin. but it looks like normal water with a hint of red, but you cant see it that well, at the sides if placed in the ground or in a bowl or a thing that holds liquid.








His lizard, Fin: (idk)


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