Alisa Sana Smith

"Where is my angel?" You ask, taking quick glances at the strange figure. Her long legs and puffy dress stand before you. The only light was the one behind her. The way into heaven. She wouldn't let you past. Her quick moves stopped you from passing her border line. You hear a quick faint laugh "You don't have an angel, darling. You have a demon, and she's right in front of you," She says, bending down to you, taking her index finger, lifting your chin up. Her soft fingers make you tingle all over like she's sending a message through your body. She snarls slightly, showing her sharp canine teeth. You're forced back, back to the real world. No hell, no heaven. Back to your brutal life. She stays with you... There's no escape. She watches you in your sleep, she watches you change... She's the demon you acquire...

"Your life is a living hell from now on," she says, rummaging through all your things, "I wont get blamed if you are insane by the time I'm finished with you." Every day, you're faced by this demon. She Is needy, she needs attention, she needs everything in your life. It may be a short time until she actually doesn't want to leave you. She can be seen by people with more, different, brains. 
"She's not real," your friends call out, "You're goign insane!". You're losing your friends in the hopes of trying to get her known. Arrested. "Darling," She says one night, "What're you doing? Why do you want me gone so bad? Is there something you don't like about me?" You look her dead in the eye. "Everything," you reply "Everything is wrong-" A sudden sharp object goes through your body, out the back along with slim and bloody fingers. "Nothing, is wrong with me. Nothing" She says. You slowly Start to fade out, your last memories are her. The one you had to have with you. The one that ended your life.... 

So, if you haven't realised from that, Alisa is a demon but she's a magician so like.. yeah. She can be teasy at first but when you soon get used to her, I'm guessing, she'd be your typical 'girl'. Her childhood was just fucked up... As she's a nightmare, she's meant to haunt children's dreams and try and scare the more older ones. She's known as a spirit, the death spirit. As, when you either die or you're chosen, she'd drive the person insane to the point where they need help 24/7 trying to not commit suicide or if she's stuck with you and you don't accept her for who she is, she'd most likely either hurt you in some what of it looking like you're harming yourself or she'd kill you. As she's mostly known to be on the good side, she'd either haunt the people on the bad side, learning all their secrets and goign everywhere with them. As she's a nightmare, she never sleeps, barely eats and does anything about her hygiene. That might be horrid for some, but she says she could kill people from the stench that comes with it c; . Jk jk jk jk, she does look after her hygiene but only when the other person is showering or something. Her powers, ehe, you know, She can possess the mind but not control the actual person herself. She just makes it so you have images of her childhood and the ones she loved that she killed (Like the one above that I wrote a story kind of thing about ehe ;_; ) and it's so jam-packed with sound and feeling, you can actual feel the emotions she went through at the time. She's not scared of the dark or anything but she is translucent, so you can see her but the human eye cant - Unless you're the human getting haunted silly!

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