
(Fiyas - Fih-Yas)
(Ehe, he's so cute :} )
(This will obviously be in sections like Philomena's one :} )
(Enjoy xoxoxo)
(Btw, since he can be used for different type of role plays so like, normal roleplay things will be in white and a purple type of colour will be for a different one)
(^the one for the anime guy xoxoxo)

Fiyas, he grew up normal and all. With the correct education for a boy his age, right height, right weight. he had a talent for art and he'd practice art after school and all. He comes from a family of 3 (Him, his father and his fathers friend). No abuse, no sexuality, nothign to ruin his childhood. he did well is school and he didn't get in trouble often. His love for art carried on throughout life and he's quite artistic.
Fiyas never went to high school or elementary, yet he was created by his 'father' (Aka his creator) and updated by his friend. he wasn't the ordinary robot as the creator had powers, and he let Fiyas - after a while- choose his own power. he self learnt how to do art, so he chose his power to be related to art, letting him create things he paints from the power he has (Like in the picture).
His family is his father (or creator), his dead mother (Not for this colour) he's never met and the guy that lives with them.
He really doesn't mind relationships and he doesn't get in them that much but if he has a chance to he'll say yes or if he isn't that familiar with them, he wont.
He likes to paint. He likes to help people in need. He likes to research and watch historical movies. He likes to eat? He likes travelling far and wide. He likes to imagine he's in a different world (Cuz he's still a little kid).
Threats towards him:
fire. People that're strong. Heights (As he has a fear of them but he'll go on a plane just not at the window side. In case he falls and smashes to pieces). People who purposely hurt him. Killer robots!!! People altogether.

He likes things to do with art, like museums and all that. He likes painting. he likes using his power. He likes people he can relate to. He likes people who treat him like family. He likes being different. He likes all types of art. He likes computers. he likes things that are historic. he likes things that are old. He likes things that don't have a use but can still be used.
fire. Grumpy people. People who aren't very fond of smiling. People who insult him for who he is. That's about it.
His power all has to do with his art. As you can see in the anime picture. he has the power to create things with his art ability, fighting for them. He's also a robot type of creation that has human emotions. He looks human and all. The symbols can create anything that he sketches, paints, draws, scribbles but they have to have notes around them so the power knows what they can do. So, if he wants to quickly draw something he'd have to use another part of his power that uses his drawing and imagination to summon the animal. He can also summon them from his actual shapes and all, but they can backfire, causing him to use his notepad more.
What he needs for his power:
he has a bag that is a rectangular shape; it holds his notebook, pens and creations he's made.

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