Keon Omar

WARNING: Swearing may be involved so dont go asking me to stop swearing. I can't write without having something inappropriate.

This is Keon (K-on.) He isn't active or anything like that but he is playful. People may think he is idiotic but he is quite smart, at times. He likes to have many friends but not too many and keep to them. He is up for anything and drinks a lot of coffee or energy drinks. He has insomnia and Achluophobia. He is either on his phone or messing about most of the time. He is bitchy at times and doesn't think twice when saying things. He tries to be kind but fails and hopes to actually find someone who understands him. He is fascinated with animals and says he will live in the jungle when he moves out. People think he is insane but he says its just in his nature to act how he does. He doesn't have any parents because they were held hostage and got shot. They got in prison and he tries to get the night out from his head. Hence the reason everytime he hears someone talk about family, he holds his head and closes his eyes. He has a brother who he doesn't talk to, if they do they end up arguing and storming off. In supernatural roleplays he can summon demons and have flame swords. He isn't talented with knives but he carries a gun in his bag everywhere he goes self defence reasons obviously. He likes Icon for hire, Starset, paramore and Get scared.








His Dog, Dakota:


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