Rubix White

(Right, guy on railway, blue hair and you cant see his face. mhm that's right we have a psychopath‼)

Right, so you know. Lets just get onto his back-story:

He lived alone, with his father. his father'd get drunk and hit him. So he had an abused childhood. He got out of reality after spending ehh idk, over 15 hours a day in his room. So he only came out at night. This was only to get out of his fathers way. so anyway, he never had any social interaction and got a little to insane. He obviously became more, rebellious and adventurous. So he'd rather lie on a railway track then go to school. He gets bullied at school so You'd understand there and he's tried to take his own life, unfortunately someone stops him every time.

And as he's a little insane, he's tortured, killed, threatened, ect. everyone. He has long hair so you cant see those eyes. Most of the things he does is like, weird af. Trust me.#

Personality n some other shit 2 do with him: Masochistic, Maniac, Exaggerates alot, insane, Flashy, Doesn't mind doing anything for money, Secretive, suicidal I guess idk, He can like I guess get what he wants, ERIC ALL THE WAY SON WITH THOSE MASSIVE LONG LASHES, stalker, attracted to colourful things, I might read a little bit of this fan-fiction for his Eric personality, aha here we go everything about his is seductive, tease baby, flirty I guess, he can be confused at times but that's when he things you've took 90 pounds of cocaine.

And he likes to take photographs of everythingggg.





A bloody outfit he has mkay



Dog, Ox:


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