Amun Namche and Pachu`a Datha

Amun Namche
 (Just to level this out mkay xd)

RIGHT. Okay, they look nothing alike but forget about it; The back story calls for them ;_; And as last time. They are related to each other but cousins duhh. So, Amun is Huo's brother and Pach`a is Adriana's brother:

Amun was the 6th out of 14 children. Huo was the 5th. So, he's younger than Huo by one year. Making him, 14. As he wanted to be - or be better than - Huo, he did more things that she mainly couldn't do: Write better, socialise better, be less hyper. But what he isn't too proud of is his strength. Although he is more stronger than a human and most species, he isn't particularly that strong. As he doesn't want people to see his weak side, he uses weapons that look easy to use but are really complicated (e.g nun-chucks, boa staff). So he uses those in battle. As he wanted to get better at everything Huo isn't good at, he was home schooled all day and only had 5 hours of rest. Going to bed at 9pm he woke up at 2am. He worked his ass off. Unlike Huo, he didn't run from his problems. he had pictures of her on target boards and would hit them perfectly in her eyes and head when he got angry. As she teased him for being weak he got jealous of her strength. Anyone that is better than him, he pretty much gets overly jealous. Now, in the picture you see he's bandaging his arm. He pretty much cuts his arm alot, not in self harm reasons, he just likes to fight animals alot and normally would get Huo to fight him to get stronger (he wishes anyway xd). He fights wild animals and the best part where his blood is at the sweetest point is his wrists. Anyway, when he got out of his home schooling, he was pretty much smart enough to use words against Huo. And, he say's he won at the 'living alone' game. As Huo got took into the girls body, (causing her to have 2 souls), he actually didn't. He got his own house and rarely pays for it as he likes to sweet talk his way into things xoxoxoxo.

Pachu`a Datha
Pachu`u, also known as Patch cuz why the fuck not, he's complicated; he seems like the type to talk but he is really the shyest person you'd meet. He's quite but when he actually speaks, his voice is soft and irresistible. You want to hear more of his voice. it goes perfectly with his personality and what he looks like. he doesn't care what people do to him or what they say of him. He isn't cheesy yet he talk like he is cheesy. His voice, jc, you'd want him to capture you and- no, you wont be able to have him capture you!!!! . Anyway, his soft and gentle tone really doesn't fit his family's name. He's the older one and is expected to take more responsibility. He does. He does things for himself and likes others help. Now, as he was home schooled, his parents would let him choose what to do every year. he said he wanted to go to a normal school and they let him. He got bullied quite badly there and he became so distant to people and would only talk to people he knew wouldn't hurt him. With him getting bullied, it took him to a more deeper level than being quiet. He wasn't depressed but he has flashbacks of when he 'over come' the bullies. With him coming from a family full of different types of species, he is more like a snake. He is a venomous type, he has sharp teeth and he can poison you if he bites you I guess... he twitches a lot when feeling threatened. Anything a venomous snake does I guess. Anyway, when he'd defeated them, he basically killed them from getting too angry. He got took out of the school and carries on getting home schooled... but after the first few days of discovering his power. Many snakes had been wrapping around him and staying on him and all that stuff. He got taught how to use this power and all that. He then got sent off to live his 'adult hood' alone and stuff. He was more successful obviously. From keeping away xd.

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