Dakota and Rose Christians


This is Dakota and Rose. They're 13. Okay. I'm no creep. They just are just young. So they come from a rich family obviously. And they're dolls. So, they have no outfits unless you buy them outfits then yeah, they have new outfits.They don't act like dolls. Well, they sort of do, they act all cute and innocent to get what they want but they have a twin sorta power. They could take over all of America and they wouldn't get stopped. It's like they hypnotise people. Oh, guess what they do hypnotise people!!! They also have the power of illusion. Playing with the mind, they can change their vision to be really horrible or to be really awesome. They can create versions of themselves but they're really not there (So like Emeralds power in RWBY - Semblance). So like, Semblance is another word of illusionist tbh. In short they can make on, or multiple individuals simultaneously, see and hear that aren't necessarily there. They're the twins from the shining , jc. 'come play with us'. They love to play all sorts of games!!! Ehe, but their childhood is pretty normal. They are barely scared of anything... that's it I guess. Oh, and they like to scare and prank and like, ruin peoples lives. Little fuckers :|.

Dakota's room
Rose's room

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