Amity Onix

(Warning: Horrible grammar, swearing and other things will be in here c;)
(Yes her name is a mood: Friendship)

This is, Amity. Amity is kind in her own kind of way. She isn't like her brother in any sort of way. She is gentle to others and respects their opinions. She doesn't talk back to people and will most likely get her brother to do most things for her. She isn't annoying but is that friendly, you'd get annoyed with her. She is a good singer I guess, she is good at the guitar as well (Electric and acoustic.) She isn't insane or anything but she is blamed for a lot of things. She doesn't mind people doing it but she really hates it. She doesn't have crushes or anything like that, nor does she show her love really. She likes erhhh 12 Stones, Get Scared, Digital Daggers, Fall Out Boy (She is mine you can tell c:) and R Radke I guess idk. She is normally quiet but she does like talking, she doesn't get to talk that much since people would most likely talk over her. She isn't depressed or anything, she just sometimes acts like she is. She isn't like 'Mate. I don't care what your fucking sister/mum/dad/brother/friend thinks. Tbh no one does' She is more like 'Oh okay then.... Walks off upset ;-;' If her brother gets in so much trouble she'd try and back him up with why he is correct and shouldn't be guilty or that bullshit. He parents are posh, and they accept her since she is straight. She likes reading and doesn't like spending much time with electronical items. People will call her weird from time to time. In supernatural roleplays, she grants people's wishes aswell as her own, however, she rarely shows this power. she isn't the modern genie type. She's an old one. all over her body she has this old language written all over her. On her sides, her arms, he chest and her legs. Anywhere. it's actually an old ancient ritual to summon a demon but as she cant see it on her body, and she lets no one look at her body when she's wearing barely anything, she or the other person cant read it.  She is talented with Knives as her brother taught he for self defence.






Prom Hair:





Her Cat, Pippi:


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