Tabatha Manikill

(Ik she is hot)
( I'm getting her tattoo tho)
(She might be one of my main people idk)

Tabatha, well she is the more, distant, kind soul. She can be harsh at times but she never is, unless you fuck her up. She is like the most fucked up person ever. She likes everything, like you can go 50 shades of grey all up on her and she would love you until you break-up w/ her, then she will kill you c: . She gets crushes easily and like, she can talk to anyone without getting nervous or anything so she is pretty good around people and her crush or whatever. She is quite sporty and is up for anything. rarely breaks a sweat and can handle tons of pressure. She can be clingy at times but that's just what mood she is in and idk why I'm going to put this but can be sexual at times. She isn't a Mary-sue or anything like that but she is like 70% perfect, if you get what I mean. She acts delicate af but is really rough to her friends. She is more into dancing than singing but she enjoys both if she is doing a musical type thing. She will randomly start singing and then start dancing w/ the closes friend, if she hasn't got anyone near she will dance anywhere while singing to get to that person. She is Christopher's sister but she is known as 'Shadow' to him. She normally calls him something silly but lets not get into that c;. She does anything SHE wants to do, if she gets told what to do, ehh idk bruises I guess. She is quite strong. that reason is her... dark side. She is mentally crazy and has this 'other person' controlling most of the actions she has. She calls her Tabaa. only because she thinks she shouldn't have 'th' in her name. So this side its like a really dark version of her. although she dresses flashy she can dress black at times.








Her lizard, Fin:


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