
(Look at that cuteness)
(awhh I just wanna squish her)

This is Pandora. So she's related to Quixley, but obviously, less clueless. She goes by her own rules and pretty much needs no-more attention than she already has. She hates being in large crowds and hates being in a crowded area. She finds it hard to be in compact areas but she closes her eyes, pretending the room is a lot more larger than it is. She hates people that put their lives in risk for her, but then she hates people who don't. She moves from one place to another quite quickly. She can stay in one place (living wise) for about a week, and then she goes to another room. She hates people who say no and will literally do anything, and I mean anything, to get people to say something to do with 'yes' to her. She's insatiable. She likes unique things and different people. She likes being obsessed over. She can be needy but that's when she's in a bad mood. She expects a lot, she never uses her brain and says the first thing that comes out of her mouth. She barely cares for others and woudl probably break up a couple in a simple way. She likes playing tricks on people. She's curious af. She opens everything and literally everything. No matter what the consequences are. She tries to look her best no matter what. She want to be everyone's no.1, even if they already have one. She wants to be on everyone's mind. She's on medication since she can pretty much go insane, literally, insane. She's a gambler, gambling anyone's life away, even hers. She does anything to be respected. Her emotions can sometimes take over her whole body. She hates being truthful but her mouth does speak before her mind, so, she's truthful 24/7 unless she lies first. Pandora's power splits into 3 different sections: mind, eyes and her box. Her eyes are pretty much her weakest power, she pretty much looks at fire and she can see her future. Her mind is her other power, her mind is basically outside of her head and inside. What ever she thinks, her mind recreates what she's thinking, causing her to make little action and battle scenes at the side of her head. Her box (I'm not taking this totally, mhm. Don't mind it :} ) her box contains bad spirits and evils. It turns the area she's in upside down. They hide in the shadows and at night, hurt everything in sight. they ruin everything. She isn't loved for this, but they don't follow her. She has to eat them, for her to contain them back in the box, as he box is connected with her.

I rlly don't know what else to write...

So like...

This may...

be the....



Travelling to hell

How's the weather on earth?

It's really hot here, hotter than your mum at least ;}

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