Xavier Stuart

Xavier Stuart
(Jfc, that face doe)

(AHAH.. help me ;_; )

So, Xavier. You know, stuff it, Let's make him Xander's cousin. So, this is Xavier. He's mostly known as Stuart but he doesn't mind what you call him. He likes everything and anyone. He's nothing like Xander or Ivy. He's cheery and gets along with people that you normally shouldn't get along with. He's quite sensitive and lets his feeling out to the people he trusts rather than the people he particularly doesn't like. He tries to help people when ever he can and where ever he can. If it's the middle of no where, he'd most likely have a bag on him with medical stuff and necessary stuff you'd need.
He doesn't mind annoying people as he may become, you know, annoying himself. He likes playing random games and kids games (He's a child at heart c; ) As you can see, his favourite colours are either the colours of the rainbow or a specific colour that is bright, helps you think, makes you happy, one he really likes or just the colour he likes at the time. he may look like he's depressed but he isn't. Just to let you know c; . he's easy to knock down until he's had enough. If it's a life roleplay, he'd mostly be at a park or somewhere you can drink or eat. I'd probably use him with Xander or Ivy, but as I don't use them alot, ehe... you know... I wont use him 24/7. In supernatural role-plays, or most role-plays, he's good at combat and mostly has either a bow or sword that can turn into a scythe, gun or an extended sword. He only uses it in desperate measures incase he gets into a fight, which is rarely (that was all like, for normal ones.) In supernatural role-plays, (apart from him being a demon, with the horns, wings etc.)  he has different powers: Power Mimicry - the ability to absorb another's powers whilst leaving the persons powers intact; Psychometry - the power to read the history of an object by touching it; and Necromancy- the ability to see and communicate with the dead.








And because why not, his horse, Light: 


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