
(Philomena - Phil-oh-me-nah)
(This one might actually be put in different sections: personality, threats, power, etc.)

Back story: 
Philomena was always the strange girl in school. She'd get things wrong, dress codes, how to talk friendly to people or even how to actually do most of the lessons she had to learn through out them. Putting her with the children that needed more 'help' than others. She didn't mind it really, she didn't mind the people pointing out her flaws with her work, she didn't mind anything. When she got back from school, she'd always go in her garage to work on some new things and not do homework in her house or anything due to how much her parents argued. She'd listen to the radio or anything she could block the sound of screaming and crying from. She never had friends and always had some crazy invention with her everywhere. She was considered dangerous and got taken away due to how many inventions she had. She escaped from them and lived in a scrap yard. She lived with an old man who had tools to carry on making her inventions.
She doesn't know her family much, all she knows is that she has a younger brother she's never met. A mother that died from suicide and a father that works away from home. She counts the old man as family as she's lived with him more than her biological parents, she helps him live and collects stuff for him. He treats her as a daughter and she treats him as a father calling him 'pa' or 'papa'. Never by his first name.

She doesn't get in relationships much, but when she does she's normally with a female or an older man. It's rare for her to be with a guy that's younger or the same age as her. And it's rare for her to be in a relationship with a person for more than 4 months/weeks. She likes to be the one in control most of the time and likes them to rely on her and not themselves.
Her hobby is building new inventions for her to use in combat and defence. She has her gun at the moment that she built and her wings that actually make her fly, but she rarely uses them and just uses it for decoration and to make her look larger to animals. Her monocal is like a magnifying glass that she can make zoom out and in, this also helps her left eye due to how bad she is at seeing with it. As well as her headband with a clock on it so she knows the time when lookign in the mirror (All thing's listed there is what she's made).
Threats towards her:
She finds people that are rude, harsh and annoying a threat and an enemy to her. She finds murderers threats and people that can point out her biggest flaws threats. As well as back stabbers, gossipers and people that have been on TV for a long time but they can't be located threats. people who destroy her work, threats. People who glare at her, threats. People who just don't like her one bit, threats.

She likes things she can tinker with and make things better. She likes being different and unique. She likes gold, copper and brown materials. She likes friendly people and people who respect her for who she is. people who don't try to change her and people who don't think she's weird. She likes doing sport stuff as she actually got an A in that 0o0. Most animals. 
People who ruin things for her. Mood killers. Pills. People who are annoying. People who are loud. Being indoors for too long (Unless she's working on something). Cherries. Most foods. Wolves ;-;. places that are dirty or dusty.
Things that make her cry:
War. Most people. Torture. People who hurt her. Inventions she's worked hard on that don't work. Hard work she doesn't understand that well. Burn marks.
She can be insecure at times but that's only when her true self comes out (Mostly when she cries). She's honest and trust worthy. She can be quiet at times but that's when she's working on her inventions. She is quite strong and sounds strong. The rest you'll figure out as she can pass as an amine girl but she can be happy and hyper af the next.
Her power literally is her inventions and orbs. She can create different types of orbs with her power and those orbs can be put in an energy consumer in her weapons and what ever the power, the weapon has it. So if she put a light orb in her gun, she can shoot people with her gun and it'd have the same power as people who control light. She can borrow a bit of power from anyone and pretty much fuses her power with the little power she took/borrowed to create orbs. They come in sets of three and what ever colour they come in, is what colour it glows at night (Apart from black, that just means pure evil >:C ). She obtains this power by either kissing the power hoarder on the lips or on their forehead. creating a little time clock on the sides of their cheeks or on their forehead. 

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