Siri and Iris

(Siri and Iris... Well then...)
(Spell Siri backwards :} )
(Spell Iris backwards ;] )
(Siri will be in purple)
(Iris will be in pink)
(For the same it'll be in pale red)

Siri and Iris were never close: they were separated at birth. Siri lived in Canada and iris lived in Australia.
Siri lived in Canada for a long time. She lived with her parents who adopted her as her mother couldn't look after her. She was doing all right in school and she had many friends. She wasn't the best at everything but she had ways of doing things differently than most people. She worked different, she lived different, she even spoke different. But after going to a different school to become 'normal' she did everything the same as everyone else. yet you could tell she was still a little different, but in a good way, and in her own way.
Iris. Iris was brought up with animals. So she has a fascination for animals. All day and all night, she'd be creating her own animals. Writing little stories and giving them description. She got home schooled as her parents were legal teachers and they had all the time in the world for her. She had friends around her and she'd stalk animals in the wild. Although she lived in a hot area, she was always pale. She never had a tan or anything. That's where she got picked on most of the time as she wasn't the same as the rest of them. But, she was young then, and she never realised this could hurt her feelings.
They have each other. Their parents that adopted them. Their actual parents they've never met (As they're alive). Iris' pets. Siri's pets.
Siri likes to be in relationships only if they are honest, loving and are full of trust. She likes relationships that are like the fairy tail type of relationships. But as she's quite an experimental girl, she will do some different kind of relationships once in a while.
If it's a human who can turn into an animal or a animal, yes. She does go out with them... Don't ask why she'd date an actual animal.
Siri Canada. Drawing and gaming. As they can be put together to draw characters based of a video game. She likes dancing (Sort of). She likes watching nature. Being alone. Being asked what something is. People who respect her :}. She also likes the colour green :]
Iris loves animals. Art. Music. Playing games with people. People who can be slightly insane (Ehe, like her). Animal lovers. Australia. Dessert. Food. Drinking (in some occasions). people that're truthful. walking around with nothign to do. She also likes the colour purple, pink and black.
Siri, her power is nature. When she was younger, she had a thing for nature. She pretty much can control nature like it's just controlling a really obedient dog. She mostly uses it in battle or when she's walking about on the street if there is something she needs. As she doesn't fight alot, she normally just improves the natural surroundings even more.
Iris' power is all to do with animals. She can spawn animals, constructing them from the ground making them as large as she likes or as small as she wants. She can create an army of animals. She can make dinosaurs, mammoths, animals that don't even exist! She can make them friendly towards people she likes and evil to people she hates ;]. 

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