
(Fuck the rules)
(fuck the rules)
(fuck the rules)
(fuck the rules)
(Fuck the rules)

Selia wasn't brought up like most people. She wasn't normal to other kids. She wasn't weird either. She just wasn't average. She became blind at the age of 3 causing her to not see the world fully. Her senses aren't great either but as she isn't 'normal' they are greater than an average humans. Even if she wasn't blind, it'd still happen. As she was blind, this became easier to take her when she was young. She always got helped but after the 5th time of her being taken for over 7 months, her parents gave up and just left her. Fortunately, the person who kidnapped her was looking for someone who could put up with a lot of pain. They took the blindfold off, that they had put on her, and asked her why she wasn't opening her eyes. She obviously replied with her back story and all. After a few years of being with them, she became a mass murderer. Although she was blind, she had great hearing meaning she could sense where and what position the victim is in. Apart from this she has a pretty good life. She's like an average teenager, but blind. As she lives with people who assassinate people and all for money, they have a personal designer for her. Making clothing and all for her, making stuff that looks good on her. She has chains on her legs so when she's jumping and all, she can hear if her legs hit something, and the one on her side is to do with her hitting a lot of things and using the chain to jump on things and if she misses it, the chain will hopefully catch on it. She's afraid of water as she never learnt to swim. She isn't great at imagining things. She loves the feel of different types of liquids (that's how intense her senses are). She doesn't mind bullies and pretty much ignores most people but not all the time xoxoxo.

And she's a human, so like... yeah.

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