Nemorio and Oihane Arvid

Oihane w/ her Kitten: Crystal
(BTW do you like me 'amazing' names?)
(Okay so like, the names r all around the forest)

Nemori w/ his bunny (idk why): Space 0o0

 So siblings obviously. So like I guess I should say the back story of them.

Nemori and Oihane were born together and both abandoned in the forest (Ecuador Cloud forest). After a few passing travellers had found them they were taken back, and as they were infants the obviously wouldn't know who they were. A few years passed of living in America, they finally accepted living with their adopted father and mother. They looked nothing like their family but still accepted them (as they were accepted into the loving family they had offered). They had food, shelter and love. After living with them for 13 years , they had to say goodbye as one of their relatives had made contact with them a few weeks ago. They said their goodbyes and said they would send letters every year (As the Aunt had lived in England). After going to England they discovered their Aunt was rich but she was a business woman so they wouldn't be able to talk to her often With the availability of exploring they did all sorts of it. Sneaking out at night, Falling off trees, cutting their knees from falling in thorns, getting a little bit too dirty ect. And they've gotten too used to being so adventurous they are naturally Active and happy. 
Oihane: She is the risk-taking girls you'd think she isn't.  She is brave and can put up with a few scars here and there. She is disobedient and never listens to the rules. She can be mean but that's if you hurt her or her family. She is too protective over her loved ones and nothing comes between her and her family. She is hard to understand but tries to make herself clear. She is quite insecure. She can be flity at times. She has always been told she is different but she has seen that in a good way than a bad way.
Nemorio: He is smart but can be quite dumb-founded at times. He is quite helpful if he likes you but it depends on how you treat him. Quite fun to be with even if he looked bored all the time. He likes to be in control but feels like he fails. He can also put up with a few scars. He is quite creative and excels in many things to do with 'free running'. He isn't popular but he isn't that lonely. He is quite charming at times but not alot. 

Oihane's Everyday
Nemorio's Everyday

Nemorio's Outgoing
Oihane's Outgoing

Oihane's Outgoing ( Cba w/ Nemorio's)

Nemorio's Camping
Oihane's Camping


Nemorio's Room
Oihane's Room

The ones they are holding in their pictures above ^^.

Nemorio's Phone
Oihane's Phone

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